Chapter Four
Three words… three simple words. Then, another four, equally as simple. Each individual word binding together as a whole to create a meaning worth more than could ever be expressed. They danced about his mind, flowing effortlessly through his body.
"I love you," he whispered into her ear. "I love you too," she murmured back softly.
He could feel her touch now... soft, easy... her warm body pressing against his, her soft breathe gently grazing his neck, her ghost touching every inch of his skin. He watched as she walked toward the elevator, unable to move... speak... unable to think. She was a part of him. A part that would never leave him.
"I love you," he breathed silently as the elevator doors shut.
"Cameron, you promised me if I let you borrow my car you'd come out with us! You're not weaseling your way out this time," Jil yelled, flailing her arms through the air.
Cameron turned from her desk to face Jil.
"Does it look like I can come out and play? Jil, I have a huge bio test next Tuesday and this stupid chem project. I'm sorry. I don't have the time!"
Jil stared straight into Cameron's eyes, a serious, stern look draped across her olive features. Cameron had yet to see this side of Jil.
"You have the time. You know you do. I don't know what the hell you're trying to cover... I wish I did, but whatever it is, I'm not buying it. You're coming with us if I have to drag you by your hair. A promise is a promise. So, I'd suggest getting your ass in gear. We're leaving at 8:00." With that, Jil turned and headed to her room.
Cameron ran through the hallway and into the living room in her sleek red pumps.
"Guys, wait up! I can't run in these," she shouted teetering behind Jil and Audrey.
Jil smiled and nudged Audrey with a wink.
"Oh, so now little miss bookworm decides she wants to tag along."
"You didn't really give me a choice. A promise is a promise you know." Cameron smirked breathlessly, catching up to the two.
"That it is, my friend. That it is. Now let's get going, the boys won't wait forever," she smiled walking in the direction of the car, the other two following close behind.
"Um, not to sound stupid... but where are we?" Cameron asked, scanning the room.
She squinted as a bright light whirled past her eyes, then looked back to Jil and Audrey.
"Diesel, my love. Now let's go get something to drink," Audrey grinned, sauntering off in the direction of the bar.
Cameron and Jil followed close behind, winding through the herds of people, and up to the bar. Cameron gently squeezed herself into the bar, flashing a gracious smile toward the dark-haired guy sitting at the stool beside her. Simply, he sent a wink in her direction and turned his attention back to who Cameron assumed was his friend, sitting beside him.
"What do you guys want?" Audrey questioned.
"An apple martini for me," Jil replied.
"Jack on the Rocks please," Cameron chimed in.
"That'll be on me."
Cameron spun around to face the same tall, blond haired boy she had met earlier at the hospital. She cursed the butterflies that found their way back to her stomach as she smiled up at him.
"Hey Cameron," he grinned, unexpectedly pulling her into a hug.
She furrowed her brows at his action. She had only known of his existence for a few short hours and he had only talked with her long enough to be aware of her first name. Now he was hugging her? She took a deep breath, in the meantime catching his scent. That alone quieted her thoughts.
"So, I saw you walking in and I was wondering if you'd want to come up to V.I.P. with me? Your friends are more that welcome to come too. It looks a little crazy down here," he laughed.
Cameron hesitated a moment, "Um..."
"Sure. We'd love to," Jil interrupted, elbowing Cameron as she handed her the drink she had ordered.
"Great. Just follow me," Jordan smiled, snaking his arm around Cameron, who sent a death glare back to Jil.
The three followed Jordan as they made their way to the V.I.P. section. Cameron began to wonder what was so special about this Jordan guy. He had said that he played hockey for the Pens, but who were the Pens? Maybe he was just having a party and booked a V.I.P. room. She pushed the thought from her mind, figuring all of her questions would be answered soon enough.
"Yo, Gronk. Who's the arm candy?"
Cameron began to feel uneasy and somewhat angry as they stepped through the doors of the V.I.P. section. They walked up towards the shorter, dark haired guy and stopped in front of him.
"Max, this is Cameron. She's the girl I was telling you about. Cameron, this is one of my teammates, Max."
"Nice to meet you," she smiled, hiding her newly established annoyance with Max and Jordan.
"Pleasure to meet you, too," Max winked, taking her hand and kissing it gently.
She made a mental note to excuse herself to the bathroom to wash her hands. They continued to converse for a few minutes before Max wandered away and left she and Jordan alone.
"That's a sight I wouldn't mind seeing," Jordan smirked.
"I'm glad you regard being pantsed on stage as a turn on." Cameron slapped his chest playfully, then rested her arm around his shoulders again.
The few Jack's she had drank were beginning to catch up to her and she was now seated comfortably on Jordan's lap.
"So, Mr. Staal... what's your most embarrassing moment?" She prodded, grinning widely at him.
"Hm... well, there was this one time when I played in the OHL. I went to take a shower and a few minutes into it I heard all of my teammates yelling that something in the locker room caught fire. So, of course, I ran 90 miles an hour out of the showers only to find all of my teammates standing there laughing at me and the girl I was after at the time standing with them. I don't think my face has ever turned that red since."
"Well, that's a sight I wouldn't mind seeing either," she breathed heavily, inches from his ear.
Swiftly, she moved her left leg over both of his, straddling him comfortably. She gently trailed kisses over his cheek and to the corner of his lips. He reacted quickly, moving his lips to catch hers in a lingering kiss, then pulled away.
"How about we go some place a little more private."
"I like the way you think, Staal," she smirked, before Jordan effortlessly lifted her into his arms and carried her towards the door.
Cameron continued to plant kisses along his jaw line as they moved closer to the door. She softly ran her fingers over his face and moved her mouth upward to find his again.
"What the hell is this!"
Her heart immediately stopped and she scrunched her eyes shut. She knew the voice. She knew it better than any other. However, she hoped she would never hear it again.
"Again, what the hell is this?"
She opened her eyes to come face to face with the man she wished she would never see again... Sidney. His eyes were filled with anger, but she noticed a twinge of something else in them... hurt. She could hardly bare to look at him.
"What it looks like. Why does it matter to you," Jordan snarled back.
"You're drunk. I can smell it on your breath. You're not going anywhere with him. You're coming with me," Sidney blurted out.
"What do you mean, she's going with you? She's coming with me, Sid."
"No. That's Cameron Alison Wilson and she's coming with me."
A look of horror struck Jordan's face. He knew why Cameron would be going with Sidney. She was his.
"I'm not going anywhere with you, you arrogant asshole!" Cameron slurred.
She began to stalk towards the door. Her head was spinning, not only from the drinks, but from him. Dizzily, she stumbled, falling directly into his Sidney's arms.
"Come on, let's go," he stated, lifting her over his shoulder.
"No! Sidney Patrick Crosby, put me the hell down!" She screamed, pounding on his back and kicking her legs.
"Sidney, put me down now! I hate you!" She cried out.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Chapter Four
cameron wilson,
pittsburgh penguins,
sidney crosby
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